Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Lights of Colors Chapter 1.1

It was nerve wracking as they sat in the tiny taxi together to head to their new home and the taxi was filled with their nervous chatter, even the taxi driver chipped in, as they watched their snowy home town fade from view and greener pastures coming in view. He rubbed his hands together in worry of how the new house was going to be like, was everyone in the town going to be friendly?, would he be able to make friends? All these thoughts ran through his head and he had to put his head in between his legs to calm.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Light of Colors Prologue

It was the usual evening for the family with the adults wandering, acting like teenagers kissing, as if they weren't married and had three kids – no teenagers to take care of, but instead they focused on each other shivers going up their spines as snow fell around the two of them and leaving them in their own little world.

A cough was heard with the couple breaking apart, looking towards the one who coughed wearing unashamed smiles as their only son looked at them with small smile.